Arab Revolt flag and Pan-Arab colours

*Arab Revolt Flag*

๐Ÿ”–The Palestinian people raised it as the flag of *the Arab National movement in 1917*

๐Ÿ”– The Palestinian people readopted the flag at the *Palestinian conference* in Gaza in 1948.

๐Ÿ”– It was further endorsed by the PLO, the representative of the Palestinians, at the *Palestinian conference in Jerusalem in 1964.*

๐Ÿ”–After the fall of *Hejaz* the colors were used by Husain's sons ' *Abdulla* (emir of the Transjordan) and *Faisal* (king of Iraq).

๐Ÿ”–Later on they became known as the *Pan-Arab colors.*

*Pan-Arab colours๐ŸŒˆ*

 *Red* : It symbolizes the *Ashrafs* [ie. Sharifians] of the Hijaz and the Hashemites, *descendants of the Prophet.*

 *Green* : It symbolize their allegiance to *Ali, the Prophet's cousin,* who was once wrapped in a green coverlet in place of the Prophet in order to *thwart an assassination attempt.*

 *White* :Symbolic color as a reminder of the *Prophet's first battle at Badr* 

 *Black* :Symbol of mourning for the assassination of relatives of the Prophet and in remembrance of the *Battle of Karbala.*


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