
Showing posts from July, 2020

Necklace of Diamonds

India has started working on the 'Necklace of Diamonds  ' strategy. This strategy aims at garlanding China or in simple words, the counter encirclement strategy. India is expanding its naval bases and is also improving relations with strategically placed countries to counter China's 'STRING OF PEARLS'. THE DIAMONDS  1- Changi Naval Base, Singapore🇸🇬: In 2018, Prime Minister Modi signed an agreement with Singapore. The agreement has provided direct access to this base to the Indian Navy.  2- Sabang Port, Indonesia 🇮🇩: In 2018, India got the military access to Sabang Port which is located right at the entrance of Malacca Strait.  3- Duqm Port, Oman🇴🇲 : In 2018, India got another military access after Sabang Port in Indonesia. The Duqm Port is located on the south-eastern seaboard of Oman. The port facilitates India’s crude imports from the Persian Gulf.  4- Assumption Island, Seychelles🇸🇨: In 2015, India and Seychelles agreed upon the development


WHAT IS BALOCHISTAN? 🔖 Balochistan is presently situated between the three nations; Pakistan 🇵🇰 , Iran 🇮🇷 , and Afghanistan 🇦🇫 . It is located in southwest Pakistan, south to Afghanistan and east of Iran. 🔖 Balochistan province of Pakistan has been divided into six divisions – Quetta, Kalat, Nasirabad, Makran, Sibi, and Zhob. These six divisions are further subdivided into 34 districts. 🔖The economy💸 of Balochistan is mainly based upon the production of natural gas, coal and other minerals like gold, copper, etc. 🔖Agricultural 🌾development could not take place due to the absence of power, water, and adequate transportation facilities. HISTORY OF BALOCHISTAN 🔖The area of Balochistan has been under the control of Persian, Afghans, Iranians, Mughal, Sikhs, British and the also the locals Sardars of that region. 🔖 It is generally believed that the traditional Balochi period came into existence in 12th century  when the Baloch formed powerful tribal


 ' String of Pearls ’ refers to a geopolitical theory to the network of Chinese intentions in India Ocean Region (IOR) .Precisely, it refers to the network of Chinese military and commercial facilities developed by China in countries falling on the Indian Ocean between the Chinese mainland and Port Sudan. THE PEARLS 🔖 Pakistan 🇵🇰 – Gwadar port  was built, and it is now being operated by a Chinese dominated consortium of companies. It is strategically situated in direct proximity to the Strait of Hormuz  and is critical to the establishment of the China – Pakistan economic corridor, which is an integral part of “ The Belt and Road Initiative”. 🔖 Cambodia🇰🇭- China reached an agreement with the local government for the rights over 1/3 from the Ream naval base. 🔖 Myanmar 🇲🇲– there is an ongoing project for the construction of a deep-water port in Kyaukpyu . 🔖 Bangladesh 🇧🇩 – China is trying to negotiate a project to expand and modernize port Chi

UAE's Hope Probe mission🚀

Mars mission from scratch in six years When the United Arab Emirates (UAE) 🇦🇪 announced in 2014 that it would send a mission to Mars by the country’s 50th birthday 🎂 in December 2021, it looked like a Mars mission from scratch in six years At the time, the nation had no space agency and no planetary scientists, and had only recently launched its first satellite . The rapidly assembled team of engineers, with an average age of 27, frequently heard the same jibe * UAE’s Hope Probe Mars Mission *🚀 🔖 The UAE’s Hope Probe ( * Al Amal in Arabic * ) is the first Arab * interplanetary mission * . 🔖 It is designed to orbit Mars and provide the * first-ever complete picture of Martian atmosphere. * 🔖 Hope Probe will begin its journey to Mars on July 17 at exactly 00:43:00am (UAE time)⌛ from * Japan’s Tanegashima Space Centre (TNSC) aboard Mitsubishi Heavy Industries’ H-IIA rocket. * 🔖Hope Probe was built by a team of * 150 Emirati engineers *👷 who collaborated with Amer

Arab Revolt flag and Pan-Arab colours

* Arab Revolt Flag * 🔖The Palestinian people raised it as the flag of * the Arab National movement in 1917 * 🔖 The Palestinian people readopted the flag at the * Palestinian conference * in Gaza in 1948. 🔖 It was further endorsed by the PLO, the representative of the Palestinians, at the * Palestinian conference in Jerusalem in 1964. * 🔖After the fall of * Hejaz * the colors were used by Husain's sons ' * Abdulla * (emir of the Transjordan) and * Faisal * (king of Iraq). 🔖Later on they became known as the * Pan-Arab colors. * *Pan-Arab colours🌈*  * Red * : It symbolizes the * Ashrafs * [ie. Sharifians] of the Hijaz and the Hashemites, * descendants of the Prophet.*  * Green * : It symbolize their allegiance to * Ali, the Prophet's cousin ,* who was once wrapped in a green coverlet in place of the Prophet in order to *thwart an assassination attempt.*  * White * :Symbolic color as a reminder of the * Prophet's first battle at Badr*   *

India's newest National park

* INDIA'S NEWEST NATIONAL PARK🌴 * 🔖The Assam government has decided to upgrade * Dehing Patkai Wildlife Sanctuary * into a * National Park. * It is also known as * Amazon of the East. * 🔖Post upgradation, Dehing Patkai will be the * sixth national park in Assam * 6️⃣ 🔖Dehing Patkai was * declared a wildlife sanctuary in 2004. * 🔖Dehing is the * name of the river *  🏞️that flows through this forest and * Patkai is the hill * ⛰️at the foot of which the sanctuary lies. 🔖As a national park, its importance will increase and new rules will bring * increased vigilance to the area. * 🔖Dehing Patkai Wildlife Sanctuary is located within the larger * Dehing Patkai Elephant *🐘 🔖 * Fauna * 🐆: Rare fauna found in the region include Chinese pangolin, flying fox, wild pig, sambar, barking deer, gaur, serow and Malayan giant squirrels. * It is the only sanctuary in India which is home to seven different species of wild cats - * tiger, leopard, clouded leopard, leopar

ITER Project

*What is ITER? 🤔 * 🔖 * ITER * (originally the * International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor * ) is an international * nuclear fusion *☢️ research and engineering megaproject, which will be the * world's largest magnetic confinement plasma physics experiment * . 🔖 It is an experimental * tokamak * nuclear fusion reactor that is being built next to the * Cadarache facility in Saint-Paul-lès-Durance, in Provence, southern France. *🇫🇷* WHAT IS FUSION? * Fusion is the energy source of the Sun ☀️and stars✨. In the tremendous heat and gravity at the core of these stellar bodies, hydrogen nuclei collide, fuse into heavier helium atoms and release tremendous amounts of energy in the process. WHAT IS A TOKAMAK? The tokamak is an experimental machine designed to harness the energy of fusion. Inside a tokamak, the * energy produced through the fusion of atoms is absorbed as heat in the walls of the vessel. * Just like a conventional power plant

Chabahar port⛴️

 🔖 * Iran’s 🇮🇷 Chabahar port * is located on the * Gulf of Oman *🇴🇲 and is the only oceanic port of the country. The port gives access to the * energy-rich *💥 * Persian Gulf nations’ * southern coast. 🔖 Iran formally handed over the port to * India *🇮🇳 during a first meeting of the follow-up committee for the implementation of the * Chabahar Agreement between Iran🇮🇷, Afghanistan🇦🇫, and India🇮🇳 held  in the port city Tehran. * 🔖 The * Chabahar Agreement was signed ✍️in June 2015 * and approved by Iran’s * Guardian Council * in November 2016. * Importance for india *🇮🇳 🔖 * India can bypass Pakistan🇵🇰 in transporting goods to Afghanistan. * Chabahar port will boost India’s access to Iran, the key gateway to the International North-South Transport Corridor that has sea, rail 🛤️and road 🛣️routes between India, Russia, Iran, Europe and Central Asia. 🔖 Chabahar port will be beneficial to India in countering * Chinese🇨🇳 presence in the Arabian Sea * 🔖

Golden crescent and Golden triangle

* WHAT IS GOLDEN CRESCENT? *🤔🌙 🔖 The clandestine land routes of * Iran🇮🇷, Afghanistan🇦🇫 and Pakistan🇵🇰 * collectively constitute the * Golden Crescent, * also called the * silk route of drugs. *💊 It's 🔖 the route through which the drug cartels enter * India *🇮🇳 ; mainly * Punjab * . 🔖 * Heroin, poppy husk, opium, and synthetic drugs * are the four kind of drugs entering India. WHAT IS GOLDEN TRIANGLE?🔽 Along with * Afghanistan *🇦🇫 in the * Golden Crescent * , it has been one of the most extensive opium-producing areas of Asia and of the world since the 1950s. Most of the world's heroin came from the Golden Triangle until the early 21st century when Afghanistan became the * world's largest producer. * The Golden Triangle designates the confluence of the * Ruak River and the Mekong River, * since the term has been appropriated by the Thai tourist industry to describe the nearby border tripoint of * Thailand🇹🇭, Laos🇱🇦 and M


* 8th continent *??😯 🔖 * Zealandia * — or Te Riu-a-Māui, as it’s referred to in the indigenous * Māori language * — is a 2 million-square-mile (5 million square kilometres) continent east of * *Australia * , beneath modern-day * New Zealand * 🇳🇿 🔖Still, the “ * lost continent * ” remains largely unknown and poorly studied due to its * Atlantean geography. * 🗺️ 🔖Zealandia was classified as a “ * microcontinent * ,” as the * island of Madagascar * , until 2017. But according to * Mortimer * , it has all the requirements to be classified as a continent. It has * defined boundaries * ; it occupies an area of over one * million square kilometres * and is elected * above the ocean crust. * 🔖Data for the bathymetric map was provided by the * Seabed2030 * project — a global effort to map the entire ocean floor by 2030. The new maps reveal Zealandia’s bathymetry (the shape of the ocean floor) as well as its * tectonic history, * showing how * volcanism * and * tectoni

JIO Glass😎

*JIO GLASS 😎*  🔖 *Reliance Industries (RIL)* , at its *43rd RIL annual general meeting* , announced its new offering: Jio Glass.  🔖Jio Glass is a *Mixed Reality headset* that is lighter than most products in the market. *(75 gms)* 🔖It pairs with your smartphone using a cable and allows you to make *holographic video calls, conduct meetings,classes, etc in a virtual, 3D environment.* 🔖Calls can be made using Jio Glass by simply saying “ *Hello Jio, please call...”*📞 🔖Users can join the call using not only holographic video calls as well as *2D video* 🔖Reliance Jio has *not revealed the pricing💰 or the availability details of its Jio Glass* . During its AGM, it simply showcased the device would work when launched. 🔖RIL has partnered with *Google* for its Jio products, which means that both the companies will be able to collaborate with each other and develop the product. To recall, Google in the past had a similar product it was working on, called the *Google Glass,

Israel🇮🇱 Palestine🇵🇸 conflict

Israel 🇮🇱- Palestin🇵🇸 conflict * ⚔️ The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the * world’s longest-running🗺️ and most controversial conflicts. * At its heart, it is a conflict between two self-determination movements — * the Jewish Zionist project and the Palestinian nationalist project * — that lay claim to the same territory. But it is so, so much more complicated than that, with seemingly * every fact and historical detail small and large litigated by the two sides and their defenders. * About Israel and Palestine * 🤔 * Israel is the world’s only Jewish state, *🇮🇱 * located just east of the Mediterranean Sea * 🌊.* Palestinians, the Arab population that hails from the land * Israel now controls, refer to the territory as Palestine, * and want to establish a state by that name on all or part of the same land. * The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is over who gets what land and how it’s controlled. * * History *  🔖 In the late 1800s a group in Europe🇪🇺 decided to colonize th

What's happening inside China?

*PLA vs CCP*🎎 2020 is turning out to be an awful year for *Chinese President Xi Jinping.*🇨🇳 And the *Galwan valley clash* between the Indian Army 🇮🇳and the People’s Liberation Army *(PLA)* of China could very well prove to be the reason for his undoing. Jianli Yang, a Chinese dissident and the *son of a former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader* , has spilled the beans on unrest brewing within the PLA ever since the Indian Army inflicted *heavy casualties on the Chinese Army.* ☠️ Within Chinese social media too, there was widespread resentment against the  *Xi Jinping* regime as it did not even honour those who were killed in the clash. 🎖️ *Weibo* , China’s version of Twitter saw many citizens take potshots at the CCP.  *He says that the disgruntled veterans, many of whom participated in the bloody Korean war and the 1979 Sino-Vietnamese war, “have been holding frequent mass protests across China for years now, hoping to shame the government into recognizing its obligation towa